He looked very ill─his life force seemed to have drained away.
In Hindi philosophy the life force is known as prana.
在印度哲学中生命气息称为 prana (息)。
1.How much life force does one's home with the current human building practices hold?
2.The disciples listened for signs in his breathing that he was trying to marshal his life force for the journey ahead.
3.unequal status in family and unhappiness in marriage life force her to rebel against convention and seek nature for comfort.
4.That was just the sound of my life force being sucked into a shrieking vortex of infinite boredom.
5.For me, creativity is like air, it's a life force that some people require for survival and I'm one of those people.
6.They really must have used the last drop of their remaining life force to turn themselves into red or brown leaves.
7.To-day, however, it is only the most rigid materialists who hold fast to this denial of a life-force or vital force.
8.Children and animals are the purest expressions of that life force, and as such are held sacred and precious in the eyes of the Satanist.
9.The state political power of Sunquan which had existed sixty years in the period of three states turned out indomitable life-force .
10.Palpatine would grow clone duplicates of his bodies to act as receptacles for his evil life force should his body die.